Children's Blessing - Blue 9x12

Your Price: $24.50
Part Number:468
This cross stitch stamped sampler brings back Memories for every generation and their stage in life whether it is as a Child , Parent or Grandparent We all can remember being taken to a park for a swing or even a swing in your backyard.What a treat to have your Mom or Dad push or better yet have your Grandparents push. It certainly beats pushing yourself and also knowing someone is there who loves you.Children's Blessing in Blue is a wonderful printed cross stitch sampler for everyone in a Family to view. Country Stitching also offers it in Pink # 469 for the young daughter we all so love.
5 Stars
All orders have been filled accurately and timely; usually arrive within a few days. Patterns and directions are accurate and easy to follow as is the printing on the fabric. Dimensions are as stated and materials are ample. Kits are satisfying to work as they are not too hard and work up quickly. Finished projects are even prettier and more colorful than the picture. If you love the old fashioned charm of samplers as I do, this website is the place for you! This cute picture makes a great gift for a child or grandchild.
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Reviewed by:  from Spokane, WA. on 4/14/2017

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